Laser Light Charge & Sync Cable is LIVE on Kickstarter!

Versalume Kickstarter Campaign Starts TodayApplying Innovation to Tech Accessories

At Versalume we believe that lighting has the power to transform, and the more we integrate lighting into the world around us, the more we benefit from its qualities like self-expression and safety. So we thought, what if we embedded Versalume and Corning® Fibrance® Light-Diffusing Fiber into one of the most universal technology accessories - USB cables?

USB cables are critical to our connected lifestyles. They power our devices and transfer data to hundreds of applications that make our lives happier and more productive. With Versalume lighting, they not only can serve your device, but they can also better serve you. From battery fullness to easy location in low-light environments and self-expression, this upgraded technology offers infinite value.

Support our kickstarter and charge and sync your Apple, Android, and Windows devices with a USB cable that pulses with vibrant laser light.


Bring These Laser Light Cables to Life

The first of its kind, this charge & sync cable works with all Apple, Android, and Windows and is available in Red, Blue, and Green. Our favorite feature of this product is that that the laser-light “breathes” as it’s charging a device. A cool, yet helpful effect that tells you when your device is done charging.

Support Our Kickstarter Campaign!

We couldn’t be more excited for this Kickstarter campaign. As a pre-launch platform for innovative products, Kickstarter is crucial to bringing this technology accessory to life! Prep-order demand and social buzz allows us to be nimble as we develop light applications for the market and puts our product in the hands of best-in-class users.

Want to help us reach our goal? Become a backer for the Versalume Laser Light Charge & Sync Cable. Our Kickstarter campaign backers will be among the first to receive a first edition cable. We expect to have our first shipment available by end of December 2017, and will keep backers at every level up to date on our progress!

You can also help us by getting the word out on social media. Here are some quick links for Twitter and Facebook. To learn more, visit our Kickstarter campaign or email us at

Visit our Kickstarter Campaign to learn more!